Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins: Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes

Can you believe that it's already Friday again? You know what that means. Friday Fill-Ins.

1. Beware of men who seem too good, and don't have any flaws. (All people have flaws. It's not a bad thing.)

2. I like snow.

3. And since we met, I always knew, he was a great guy.

4. Are there creepy spirits?

5. Where the Wild Things Are.

6. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes is one of my favorite meals when it's cold out.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to movie night with my brother B, tomorrow my plans include lots of reading to my Baby Girl and Sunday, I want to watch my Teddy Bear win!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Fun

It's that time of year. Halloween! I'm so excited. It's the first, "real" Halloween, for my Baby Girl. Last year, neither one of us, was in any sort of shape, to celebrate. We had costumes, but they were the last things I thought of.

This year, is very different. Our big 'ol Teddy Bear, went out and bought a few costumes for my Baby Girl. Now we're having a tough time, deciding what to dress my Baby Girl as.

How about a Cupcake? That little icing hat is just too cute! How about the little skirt? So adorable! I wonder who comes up with these ideas.....

Maybe a Princess. Cinderella is always a favorite! This would be absolutely precious. Every little girl's dream. Right?

How about something more traditional? A witch. This costume is absolutely adorable! I love all the little details.

This cute ladybug just makes me smile! The fabric is so fun! I just want to pet this costume. And a ladybug. Honestly. This is going to have to be the theme to my Baby Girl's 2nd birthday. :)

A butterfly. Can it get any cuter? Everything about this costume makes me smile. The wings, the little feet, and the antennas!

This Lovebug just makes my heart melt! And it's super soft. I just love all the little hearts. This is definitely one of my favorites.

Another one of my favorites. Love this flower! The little ruffles are precious! So is that little bee. And this costume looks to be pretty comfy. The head part, well it will fit over my Baby Girl's helmet. Always a good thing. :)

And a cute chickie! With eggshells. My Brother B just loves this costume. I think it has something to do with those silly chicken legs and eggshells. :)

This furry little lamb is just adorable. The fabrics are so fun. Have I mentioned, I'm loving this little lamb! There's just something about this costume.

Or how about a cute bunny? So cuddly and fun. The little face is almost too cute for words. And those big feet, oh it just makes me smile!

Maybe a precious Teddy Bear. The nurses are loving this one. There's something about the tie and the little blanket.

My Teddy Bear's favorite. A little Monkey. That's what he calls my Baby Girl, his "Little Monkey." He's really passionate, that this should be my Baby Girl's costume.

Then we come to the costumes we bought last year. My Teddy Bear bought this adorable Care Bear. Isn't it the cutest? "His Little Sunshine Bear." Another cute nickname, that he calls my Baby Girl.

How about this adorable Glow Worm? My personal favorite. I bought it last August. It's always been my favorite. The costume that I had envisioned, my then 3 week old, Baby Girl wearing. And, this year, my Baby Girl will wear this cute costume. It's warm and comfy. Cute and colorful. And will fit over all her hospital monitors, and helmet.

And all but the last 3 costumes, we're donating, to other kids in the hospital. I feel really passionate about that. My Teddy Bear can afford to spend money like this. I can't. And I know what it's like, to have to save your pennies. I know that these parents already sacrifice so much! So much time, and money. The last thing they need to worry about, is coming up with money, for a Halloween costume.

I just want to help them, in anyway that I can. This year, we're able to make a few kids happy. I know that my Baby Girl and I are happy, and well taken care of. I just want more of these families, to feel the same. It may just be a Halloween costume. But I know, when you are in this position, every little bit helps. And the bottom line is, we want the kids to be happy and healthy. We're all doing our part, to make that happen.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins: The People I Love the Most

Yes, it's time for this week's Friday Fill-Ins. I almost forgot. I was thinking today is Thursday. Where did I lose a day?

1. Old me would cry, beat myself up, and just take everyone putting me down; new me would fight back, stand up for what I believe in, and love and protect my Baby Girl.

2. My ex-husband couldn't do it, but my Teddy Bear is taking responsibility.

3. a way life is better now, than if we had stayed together.

4. Is this right?

5. The big difference in my life, is my amazing Baby Girl.

6. Spending time with my Baby Girl, my Brother B, my Teddy Bear, and my dog W makes me happy.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dinner with my brother B, tomorrow my plans include lots of time with my Baby Girl and Sunday, I want to enjoy the day with the people I love the most!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

One Day

One day, I'd LOVE a room, just like this. Full of beautiful windows. With lots of plants and trees, surrounding the outside. Something fresh, full of nature, and bright. A place to just relax in. A room that doesn't need a TV or radio. Just a place to explore with my Baby Girl.

And these colors. Oh, I LOVE these colors! I would have never thought, about mixing all these beautiful colors. But they look amazing together! I like how fun this room feels. I could just imagine spending afternoons in this room, reading. My Baby Girl napping. Or exploring and watching nature outside. I'm dreaming of a room just like this!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Cute Ladybugs

I could use some help. Last year, I seen these cute Halloween buckets. I always planned on going back to buy one. But with our accident, it just didn't happen. And I've regretted it!

This year, I went online, searching again. But I can't find them anywhere! I know that they were sold at Toys R Us. But they haven't been online this year. I also haven't been able to get to the store. Has anyone seen these cute buckets? Anywhere? I'd really appreciate the help. I actually want to use these ladybugs to decorate with. I've got some good plans.....

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins: Someone to Love Us

I'm so excited that it's Friday! Time for Friday Fill-Ins.

1. It's easy to love my Baby Girl.

2. I've found my darling.

3. Once upon a time, I thought there was no good left in life.

4. We're happy, we've found someone to love us, life is headed in the right direction...the end.

5. What is going to happen next.

6. I'd rather do things sooner than later.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a relaxing night of reading, tomorrow my plans include a chat with m Teddy Bear and Sunday, I want to have some laughs with my Brother B!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Could I Make This?

It looks like we're going to go home, sometime before New Year's! That makes me so excited! One, my daughter is getting stronger and healthier. Every day! Two, we get to go home. I haven't been home in nearly a year! The idea of going home, just gets me all excited!

I was thinking about all the things, that need to get done. All before we go home. I need to have our house cleaned. I also need to get a few pieces of furniture. And I'm sure, some medical equipment. I have this long list of things, that needs to get done. But all I can thing about, is this wreath!

Isn't it just so pretty? It's my favorite color, blue! It's simple. But fun. Oh, I want this wreath! Do you think I can make it? I'm not a "Crafty Bug," like my Bestie. But this doesn't look too tough to make.What do yo think? A wreath, some yarn, and a little fabric. Looks like felt? Cut into ovals or circles. I think I will be able to make this. :)

One of the main reasons, I want a pretty wreath is, in the South, everyone has wreaths! I've lived in the South for almost 14 years. There is something about all these little details. I'm learning them, as time goes by. Slowly. But I'm learning. If I get good at this, maybe I can figure out a wreath for every month. If not,I'll start buying wreaths, slowly. I could collect 12 in a few years. :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

She Loves Abby!

Over the last week or 2, we've noticed something so sweet! My Brother B first realized it. When my Baby Girl hears Abby Cadabby, she lights up! Her little feet kick like crazy. Her arms swing, and her hands go to grab. My Baby Girl smiles, makes all these sweet baby sounds, and tries to find Abby.

We've all enjoyed watching this. My Teddy Bear, immediately ran out and bought all sorts of DVDs with Abby. And the cutest stuffed Abby. My daughter loves all of them. Our morning routine, definitely includes lots of Sesame Street. And well, we're all enjoying this so much!

Who would have thought? But it's been so fun. Just to watch my Baby Girl get so excited. She really loves Abby. I'm glad that she's finally enjoying life. And whatever it takes, to make her happy, I'm going to do!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins: Summer Fun

Friday where have you been? I'm glad it's finally Friday! That means, it's almost Sunday. When I get to see this guy again. First, I need to get my Friday Fill-Ins done. :)

1. How can I not ask questions about my life.

2. I'm so HAPPY at the moment.

3. That summer, we had so much fun, and didn't realize how good our lives were.

4. My ex-husband didn't want to be a part of our family and we respected that.

5. What was I thinking.

6. My Bestie and I HAVE TO stay in touch.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to some online shopping, tomorrow my plans include lots of birthday planning and Sunday, I want to enjoy my family!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sweet November

I'd never seen this movie. But my Teddy Bear brought it with him, the other day. He thought I'd love it. And I did! I really enjoyed this movie. Even though, I cried like a baby, at the end. The end is super sad. But the movie, it's such a good movie.

If you're anything like me, you like to curl up with a good movie, on a weekend night. This is perfect! I'm kind of curious now. I wonder if there is a book. I think it would be so good! You know, the books are always so much better. But the movie really is amazing!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

GumDrops Save the Day!

Way back when, I called my Bestie. I wanted to pick at her brain. I wanted to know everything that she knew. Every single thing about babies. She works in the PICU/NICU at a hospital. My Bestie is also all about nutrition, and teaches about breastfeeding. So I called. A lot!!! Poor my friend. I probably called 20 times a  day. For my entire pregnancy! But my Bestie was so sweet to me. She helped me pick the best cloth diapers, nursery essentials, and breast pump.

I researched everything like a nut! I was a single mommy-to-be. Pregnant, alone, and scared. My Bestie lives across the country from me. I'd just moved 2 1/2 hours away, from everyone that I knew. And money was tight. But I wanted the best, that I could provide, for my daughter.

I was determined to breastfeed. I researched and researched. I needed some bottles. Because after 6 weeks, I'd have to go back to work. My Baby Girl would be in Daycare. Just down the road, from where I was working. My Bestie told me about some awesome bottles. And she gave me a few packs of GumDrops.

This would change everything! These pacifiers were supposed to be good for breastfeeding babies. A design that wouldn't confuse a baby. I ordered a few more things. Then this Guy, showed up with enough supplies, to last a few years! No lie!

GumDrops have definitely been lifesavers for us. When my Baby Girl had to learn how to suckle, GumDrops were the key. She LOVES GumDrops! They've helped in so many ways. And I've suggested them, for my friends' babies too. Lots of them have babies, a little older than my daughter. Right now, they're using them to chew on. Because they're teething. I'm telling you GumDrops are straight from heaven! If you have a baby, I'd definitely recommend these pacifiers. There are so many fun colors, and flavors. :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

De Colores

Let's start of with a little background info. I was born and raised, until I was 15, in the southwest. There were only 2 blond kids in my entire elementary school! I was one of them. The other was popular. Greg's grandma was a volunteer at our school. He was golden because of this. I on the other hand, was a total outcast. My only friend, was this gal. I was cool with that. She has been an amazing friend to me. I can't even begin to tell you, just how much she means to me.

At our school, we always did fun class performances. Things like Spanish Dancing, or singing Spanish Music. It was always a lot of fun. Our teachers would put up these props and houses. We'd practice for weeks. Then we'd put on our show. Most of the time at our school. But also at the local high school, or the Mall!

When I was 6 or 7, we were having a Holiday Show. I practiced hard. Learned all the music. Which was hard. It was all in Spanish. But my grandparents helped me. I begged my mom for a new dress. I wasn't asking for much. Something that she could make me. I didn't care. I just wanted something new. Everyone else was getting something new. Not me.

I wore black tights with this ugly, long pink sweater. It had a dog on the front. And had a hole on the side. My mom did manage to get me this embarrassingly huge bow for my hair. It was the 80s. There we were. Me and all my classmates. Everyone in new Christmas clothes. Me in my pink sweater. I was so nervous. We walked up the stage. We started singing. My favorite song, De Colores.

And I accidentally pushed over the "Hacienda." I had 3 teachers screaming at me. But I kept singing. With my "white accent" and all. As loud as I could. I'm pretty sure, everyone else had stopped singing. What could I do? I'll never forget that day. My mom wouldn't talk to me for days. My dad said I was an embarrassment. But I sang my favorite song. That's all that mattered. At least, that day.

Jump ahead. I'm 27, and pregnant. My Bestie is throwing me and my Baby Girl a Baby Shower. I'm happy as can be. As happy as a 8 month, pregnant mommy can be. I could barely move. But I was so happy! And I opened 1 of the many gifts, that my Bestie got us. It was this book...

I cried. It's the best book ever! I've read it many, many times to my Baby Girl. We've sat and talked about it. I've told her my funny story. Played her the song. Heck, I've even sang it to her a few hundred times. :) I might only be 1/4 Hispanic. But it still matters.

I want my Baby Girl to know about our family. Our roots. I want to share with her, a little bit of our history and culture. It's such a colorful, wonderful, and fun culture. This is just the beginning. But it's such a great place to start. I'm glad we have De Colores to share. :)