Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday Fill Ins: The Art of Cooking

Happy Black Friday! I've only shopped once, on a Black Friday. With my ex-husband. It was a fun experience. But definitely crazy. This year, I'm snug at home. Watching my Baby Girl sleep. And smelling some pretty yummy food. This guy's mom, is making breakfast. I haven't physically been to a store, in close to 14 months! Today was not the day to start. I think I'm going to stick to online shopping. At least for a few more weeks.

But I did want to get my Friday Fill-Ins done. There are no new ones, for the week. But my Bestie had a great idea, to do one from the past. This week, I'll be doing this FFI from last year. Now let's get these Friday Fill-Ins started. Cause I'm ready for breakfast. :)

1. Three things I must have on my Thanksgiving table: turkey, pumpkin pie, and mashed potatoes.

2. W is always sacked out on the couch.

3. This is a blessed life.

4. I want to decorate our house for Christmas.

5. Oh, man, thankfully it's Friday.

6. How do you perfect the art of cooking.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to movie night with the family, tomorrow my plans include decorating our Christmas tree and Sunday, I want to put up our Nativity and Advent Wreath!

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