Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Fill Ins: Twinkling Lights

Friday, Friday! I thought you'd never get here! Honestly, this has sorta been a long week. For a lot of reasons. Mostly, me stressing in my head. I'm sure you know what that's all about. Don't get me wrong. It's been a good week too. My Baby Girl and I, have spent so many hours, cuddling and watching our Christmas lights. Yes, we've spent a lot of time, just being Mommy and Little Monkey. :) I've enjoyed every second of it! I better get to my Friday Fill-Ins. 'Cause I want to spend lots of time today, cuddling my sweet Baby Girl.

1. One of my favorite things about December is the twinkling lights and the smell of fresh pine.

2. We got new and personalized ornament(s)!

3. This is what I'm hoping for today/tonight: is a relaxing, fun, and blessed day.

4. What's that noise?

5. Ooh, a sale. :)

6. The phone is ringing!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching this guy celebrate a great year, tomorrow my plans include lots of online Christmas shopping and Sunday, I want to hangout with my Baby Girl, my Brother B, W, and my Teddy Bear!

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