Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Fill Ins: The Shack

Hey everyone! This is Brother B. This week, I'm going to be helping out my sister, with her post. She is doing much better. Resting. Still on lots of meds for pain. This guy and my niece are taking a nap. My sister keeps giving me "the eye." I guess we should get started. I'm just going to type what she tells me to.

I hear it's Friday. Most of this week, has been a real blur! I'm 3 days post-op. But honestly, I'm ready to go home! Unfortunately, the doctors don't agree. I should get out Monday or Tuesday. :) (She's dreaming now.) Until then, my Brother B and I, are going to try and get this week's Friday Fill-Ins done.

1. As I neared the operation, I got more nervous.

2. The Shack is what I'm reading right now. It's interesting.

3. I didn't start out this way, but life is always changing.

4. I'm so happy, to tell the truth.

5. The best way to live, is by making yourself and others happy.

6. This is the reason I am so happy!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to resting, tomorrow my plans include resting and Sunday, I want to go home! (I filled in those 1st 2. My sister fell asleep. Personally, I think my sister will be here until Monday. Don't tell her! She wants to go home on Sunday.)

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