Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10 Months

Dear Baby Girl,

You are 10 months old today! Yes, you are getting older. And a little bigger. Which I'm so excited about! It looks like the doctors are finally figuring out what's wrong. They've been so good to both of us. But lately, they seem to know more and more, what's going on. How to make you all better. I'm so glad!

I Thank God all the time. For you. He gave me you, to make my life better. He brought us together, to make us stronger. I'm so glad! I know realize, my life used to be so boring. Without purpose. Or meaning. Now, I know that there is a purpose to my life. I know that I'm supposed to be here. To take care of you.

Your Papa Bear just adores you! He's always so excited to come and see you. And he really does cry, every week, when he has to leave. Who would have thought? But you just make everybody want to love you. And HE LOVES YOU! So much. You're always on his mind.

I'm pretty sure the feelings are mutual. You get so excited when you hear him. Even if it's just on the phone, or on TV. You kick your little legs. And you look for him. Forget it, when you see him! It's just the most amazing thing in the world! He really is your Daddy. In every meaning of Daddy, he's all that, plus more, to you.

We're getting closer to your 1st birthday. And your Mommy is getting so excited! I never dreamt that this is the way it would be. I thought we'd be home. Celebrating with all of our friends. Well, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. :)

I'm so proud of you though. How much you are growing. And how alert you are becoming. You eat like a champ! And the doctors keep telling me, that's a very good sign. Your Uncle B just loves to watch you. How you get so happy with your toys. The toys your Nana made you.

Speaking of your Godparents. They love you so much! At least once a day, they call you. Just to check in. And to talk to you. Yes, in those silly little voices. I'm positive that I made the right decision. They are the most amazing Godparents to you. And love you so much! If only we could convince them, to have some playmates for you! :)

Uncle B is also happy, that he gets to be in your life. He's still a little nervous about holding you. Forget about changing you! But he is really enjoying being your uncle. We're all the family that we have. Blood family that is. You, me, and Uncle B. But we are so lucky. Having such great friends. That love us. And who have become our family.

Baby Girl, there is nothing in the world I wouldn't do for you. I hope you know that. Always, forever and eternity, I'll be here for you. Protecting you. Making you bigger, and stronger. Making sure you are an amazing person. Filled with God's love. I'll always be here for you. Happy 10 months! We're just beginning this thing called life. And I'm so happy that we get to do this together. You and me!


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